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2017-08-07 15:33

Three Reasons to Watch NBA 2K17 Streamers

In:NBA 2K17 MT NBA 2K17 News NBA 2K17 Streamers Post By: Admin

NBA 2K18 & NBA 2k19 & NBA Live Mobile
Learning tips and tricks. Popular NBA 2K17 streamers are better than average players who know a great deal about the game. Players can pick up a thing or two about the game by watching others do it. They can learn how to perform certain moves, how to unlock a secret achievement, how to efficiently spend their coins, and other useful things. There are plenty of written NBA 2K17 guides but some users find that it's easier to learn something by watching than by following a guide. To make sure you are watching a good streamer, just check the number of viewers and subscribers. To find one, just go to a popular streaming website like Twitch and type NBA 2K17 in the search field. Most popular streamers will be listed first in the search results.

Win prizes. Giveaways are a proven method to attract viewers and subscribers and streamers know that. Once in a while, they will be giving away coins or others things that can be used in game or even a game key code. The rules for the giveaway depend on the one that is organizing it but most of the times just watching the channel it's enough to get a chance to win the prize. Streamers that are also content creators may be doing giveaways on other platforms like Twitter or YouTube.

Alleviate boredom. All players get bored with a game at a certain point, no matter how much they like it. When you think you ran out of things to do in NBA 2K17, try watching a streamer for inspiration. Even if you won't discover any new game mode you might find a way to get an achievement or other interesting things about the game. Some stream while they are playing with others and that is fun to watch. Popular streamers also put on a little show by explaining what they're doing in game and interacting with the audience.

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