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2017-04-21 11:04

Customize NBA 2K17 MyPlayer With Unique MyPark Cards and Badges

In:NBA 2K17 MyPlayer MyPark NBA 2K17 MT NBA 2K17 Tips Post By: Admin

NBA 2K18 & NBA 2k19 & NBA Live Mobile
NBA 2K17 players that want to get the most out of their MyPark experience shouldn't forget about cards and badges. Special MyPark card packs make a comeback as they were extremely popular and requested by the community. NBA 2K17 MyPark cards went through some changes. This year's cards allow friends to make use of more cards per match. The Park card manager is easier to use and allows players to decide what cards they wish to add. The category restriction was removed so players can now use four cards from any category. Perfect shooter or ultimate defender are some of the park cards that can be equipped. Players can check out cards before equipping them thanks to the inventory feature.

Park badges are used to acquire boosts during games. MyPark is designed as a unique NBA 2K17 mode. Developers really wanted to emphasize the difference between park and NBA games so they came up with special badges that are MyPark restricted. This means that MyPlayer is only able to earn and make use of these badges while he is taking part in MyPark games. There are nine badges that can be used in MyPark activities. Iron Man badge allows MyPlayer to conserve his energy when participating in park matches. If the entire team is relying on MyPlayer to score NBA 2K17 MT/ points or not to miss a shot then Game Point badge will be most useful as it gives improvements when a decisive shot is made. Performance on the enemy court is improved with Road Dog badge. Highlights improve energy and defense as long as players use the 7Oh's badge. If breaking ankles is something MyPlayer is after then the Bone Collector badge will surely be useful. Playing against higher rep opponents is challenging but the Legend Takeover badge will make things a bit easier. The Winners Only badge comes with an advantage when the player has a victory streak. When breaking the winning streak of a team, the Streak Breaker badge improves rhythm for the following match. As long as players have a Park Bully badge, the adversary team will not go into the paint too often.