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2017-05-03 11:18

How to Read NBA Live Mobile Player Cards

In:NBA Live Mobile Player Cards NBA Live Mobile Cards Guide NBA Live Mobile Coins Post By: Admin

NBA 2K18 & NBA 2k19 & NBA Live Mobile
NBA Live Mobile player cards are an in game representation of real basketball players. These players are mostly used for teams and lineups. A lineup is a selection of five players. There are five NBA Live Mobile lineups: two way, small ball, shooting, defensive and big man. To find out more about a card, players can go to My Team option in the main menu, select a lineup and tap on a player to see more info about him.

A player card contains some specific elements. A portrait of the player wearing the uniform of the team he's playing for is the most visible element. On his portrait the team logo is displayed as well. Under the portrait, players can see his name and position. The position determines the role he will play in a team. There are five possible positions. Depending on player's position, users will see an abbreviation written next to his name. PG stands for points guard, C for center, SG for shooting guard, SF for small forward and PF for power forward. The next stat that is displayed right under name and position is OVR rating. This is one of the most important stats. This attribute is a general rating of that player's quality. The OVR ranges from 55 to 99. This means that OVR 55 players are basic cards while OVR 99 players are the best in game.

The right side of a card has six attributes that define a player's performance when executing certain actions while he's playing in a match. The six attributes are: speed, 3 pointer, defense, dribbling, shooting and passing. Under these attributes, the player's lineup is displayed. This is the lineup to which a player can be assigned. Some NBA Live Mobile players have special abilities. These are displayed under the six attributes. Russell Westbrook, for example, is a player who can boost team mates SPD stat and has a better chance to score in the last moments of a quarter. “Cannot be auctioned” means that that player cannot be sold or bought with NBA Live Mobile Coins on the auction house.