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2017-05-31 11:45

Complete Your NBA 2K17 MyTeam Collection with Playoff Performers Sets

In:NBA 2K17 MT NBA 2K17 Playoffs Playoff Performers Sets NBA 2K17 Players Post By: Admin

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The current Playoffs season is about to end but NBA 2K17 still has something in store for MyTeam fans. Playoff Performers is a set of cards for MyTeam mode that honors basketball players who had amazing performance during Playoffs. One of the most famous trios is part of this new collection. Players get the chance to acquire special cards depicting Johnson, O'Neal and Bryant. These players are not some of the best basketball players in the world but have something else in common, they all played for Los Angeles Lakers.

Playoffs Performers Shaquille O'Neal is a 98 OVR card. His attributes are power, strength and athleticism. Another 98 OVR card is Magic Johnson. This card is a 6-9 point guard with a special ability. Those who want a 95 OVR card with great shooting and dunking should collect the Kobe Bryant card. Boston Celtics, long time Lakers rivals, are represented in NBA 2K17 My Team Playoff Performers set by Larry Bird and Bill Russell. Both cards have 98 OVR. Bird is an offensive player and Russell is a defensive player.

Andre Iguodala was MVP in 2015 during the Championship while he was playing for the Golden State Warriors. His NBA 2K17 MyTeam card is a 91 OVR amethyst. Toni Kukoc's performance while playing for the Chicago Bulls earned him an 89 OVR ruby card. Both of these players can be used in various ways as their cards serve multiple purposes. There are many players to collect and a great reward for those who complete the set. A pink diamond 99 OVR Michael Jordan card is given to those who acquire all other cards. This card is one of the cards needed for another pink diamond card. Players who complete all sets are rewarded with Charles Barkley card. Playoff Performers is one of the best MyTeam set of cards so players are invited to collect them all. Wish you get these good cards before the Playoffs season ends. Besides what we said above, you also can buy NBA 2K17 MT from us to get good players in game.